Eat Well For the Rest of Your Life

Friday, April 08, 2005

P and J Eaters

This is about Meyers-Briggs.

In case you are not familiar with it, M-B is a system of personality categorization. You take a test and it gives you a 4 letter word that describes many aspects of your personality. One of the letters can be a P or a J. P stands for Perceiving and J for Judging.

I am very, very P. This makes me terribly interested in figuring things out and learning all about things. I do not have a problem with changing my mind - if it seems like the right thing to do. I don't believe there is the "one right way" to do things. Or even the best way. J's are the opposite. They like to stick with the right way. P seems to stand for Procrastination to them, and J for Just Right. Variety is not important.

Many of the CR Society folk eat the same "perfect meals" every day. This is a very J thing to do. It is righteous - and I don't mean that in a negative way. But, this would drive me insane. One of my favorite things to do is to try new foods and go to interesting restaurants. So, I do CR like a P. It's all about learning. Every day is a new CR learning day for me. More choosing and experimenting. Variety. P is about Perception, not Perfection.

So, I have come to realize that I know a lot about food as a result. I've spent hours on the Web looking up recipes for ethnic foods and analyzing them. I see how my choices resulted in a high nutrition Zone-ish day - or did not. No day has been exactly like another. I can wing CR. I can CR on the road.

So, the perfect tool for me has been my diary tool. My diary tool is like my microscope for food. Each day is like a specimen, put under the lens for examination. Very interesting to a P. But, I am thinking that J's would probably rather have menus of preconstructed "good meal days". So, my new tool is for this. I am making a J tool. The patterns I have learned from my P studying make me able to think of many, many variations of CR. I hope these will be useful for everyone, especially you many wonderful Js out there.


  • mary!!!
    thank you. i love that kind of stuff. i knew from a wierd hippy dippy workshop 15 years ago what my "love strategy" temprament is, but i never knew there were "eating" types as well. i am soooooo "J"
    including the self-righteous aspect and all. i could eat the exact same meal 3 times a day for 40 years and still think it's the best. LOL.
    (pics of that meal on yesterdays blog, which i rarely mention as its a bit strange). i truly love reading all about your "P" adventures.

    By Blogger fruitydog, at 6:04 PM  

  • Mary,

    It was curious to read this post, because it made me think about how we tend to reflect our personality in all our acts. I realized I have change my mind along those years so I turned from being a J person to a P one. Of course, this has happened in all faces of my life: relations, work, expectations, myself.... When I was trying to control my life, the situations controlled me: they dictated my emotions, my feelings, my (pre-conceived)decissions. Personally I feel more in peace with my-self this way. And this approach lets me to live more this life! (Another way of looking at it is why to do CR if your life is the same each day! You could know your next 120 years only looking at today ;-))

    Fruitgirl has surprised me, because I couldn't believe that such a 'budhist' girl could need such a control over her own life ;-)

    By Blogger Willie, at 6:13 AM  

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