Eat Well For the Rest of Your Life

Friday, June 10, 2005

Lebanese Restaurant

It's posible to eat a very healthy meal at a Lebanese restaurant, though you're going to have to toss away part of a meal combination if you want to go really low calorie. One of the best things about Lebanese food is the use of good olive oil as the only oil. I have also found the meats used to be universally lean and flavorful.

Some healthy items:

Taboulleh - Lebanese taboulleh is an especially healthy version - almost all parsley with very little wheat.

Fattoush - a tomato, cucumber and lettuce salad with a vinegarette dressing

Kabobs - chicken kabobs provide the protein

Lentil soup - always delicious, the Lebanese versions tend to have good vegetables as well

Hummus and dolmades (stuffed grape leaves) are less nutritious than these other items, but can be eaten in small quantities. I often dip my fork or spoon in hummus and then in the taboulleh. The combination is really great.

Things not to eat:

Rice - not enough nutrients to make it worth the calories
Pita - same problem
Falafel - fried in oil, these are too high calorie and no doubt full of acrylimides
Kibbeh - if they weren't fried, these might be okay

Full service Lebanese restaurants often serve very healthy main dishes. A commonly available one that is a good CR choice is Sapanekh - spinach and lamb. Okra, tomato and meat stews are often available. Look for meat and vegetable stew combos that don't mention oil and when you get them, skip all or most of the rice.


  • The automatic control of the primary principle of pain and the restriction of mental capacity connected with it are broken by the sensible regulations, which in their turn are again automatisms.. Joe Englehart having been a convenient tool thus far thought it quite time to torment Miss Bangle a little; so, having stolen the letters at her bidding, he hid them on his own account, and no persuasions of hers could induce him to reveal this important secret, which he chose to reserve as a rod in case she refused him some intercession with his father, or some other accommodation, rendered necessary by his mischievous habits.. Lord! to a man like you that's nothin'.. Where the dream is concerned with uninteresting and unimportant conceptions, analysis reveals the numerous associative paths which connect the trivial with the momentous in the psychical estimation of the individual.. He shook hands quietly, made his grave Spanish bow to Prue, and taking his hat, went towards the front door.. MY DOUBLE; AND HOW HE UNDID ME By Edward Everett Hale (1822-1909) [From The Atlantic Monthly , September, 1859.. From a mode of expression which, moreover, is readily intelligible into another which we can only penetrate by effort and with guidance, although this new mode must be equally reckoned as an effort of our own psychical activity.. For a half-hour she stood at the end of the lane, and then hungry Balaam and his master hove in sight.. Nobody knows what people will do in Harlem. He lived there for many years, and was one of the most polite and accommodating of shopkeepers.. [2] Here, as in other places, there are gaps in the treatment of the subject, which I have left intentionally, because to fill them up would require on the one hand too great effort, and on the other hand an extensive reference to material that is foreign to the dream.. But Prue and her sex regard sentiment more than action, and I understand easily enough why she is never tired of hearing me read of Prince Charlie. Elder Brown was soberer at that moment than he had been for hours.. When James Lane Allen's novel, The Reign of Law , came out (1900), a little quatrain by Lampton that appeared in The Bookman (September, 1900) swept like wildfire across the country, and was read by a hundred times as many people as the book itself: The Reign of Law? Well, Allen, you're lucky; It's the first time it ever Rained law in Kentucky! The reader need not be reminded that at that period Kentucky family feuds were well to the fore.. When I went to church and saw a thin, blue, artificial flower, or a great sleepy cushion expounding the beauty of holiness to pews full of eagles, half-eagles, and threepences, however adroitly concealed in broadcloth and boots: or saw an onion in an Easter bonnet weeping over the sins of Magdalen, I did not feel as they felt who saw in all this, not only propriety, but piety.. Ellsworth was sitting at the center window above, placidly looking out.. After learning from the first analytical explanations that the dream conceals sense and psychic validity, we could hardly expect so simple a determination of this sense.. The letter was signed so illegibly that my companion was in doubts as to the sender, so he suggested that we stop at a well-known hotel at the corner of 59th Street, and ask the manager who the Comptroller of the Currency then was, so that he might know whom the letter was from.. Vashty! Vashty! a woman's voice sounded thin and far away.. The child put his thumb into his mouth, and remained silent...

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:53 AM  

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    By Blogger steve arnold, at 2:01 AM  

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